Retirement IS NOT an event. IT IS a process that needs to be undertaken at various stages of a client’s employment cycle. IDEALLY, the Retirement Planning process SHOULD BEGIN with the client’s first employment fresh out of college, however; in reality, WE KNOW this IS NOT going to happen therefore the Retirement process should begin as soon as the client can or makes the determination that they can. Detailed financial plans should be constructed either for the client to implement in reaching their retirement goals or for US to utilize in conjunction with our Managed Investment program OR with our Wealth Management program in order to help assure the client that they will achieve their retirement needs and goals. The actual, formal retirement process itself can be a very large task with numerous paperwork requirements. WE have assisted many client’s in this area alone by walking them thru the process and managing the paperwork details for accuracy. Whether you need help with a Roll Over Plan or just need general guidance, WE are there FOR YOU.